Dwarrowsgame Wiki

Blake Smith is a character in Dwarrows. Blake lives in a house slightly South-West of Dusken Keep.


Blake sells temporary and permanent buffs for Dwilben the Gatherer's tools.


Tool Name Cost in Crowns Descrption
Axe Sharpen Wood Axe 80 80 crowns, temporarily increases axe power, thus increasing woodcutting speed.
Axe Wood Axe 2 500 Increases axe power, thus increasing woodcutting speed.
Axe Wood Axe 3 1000 Increases axe power, thus increasing woodcutting speed.
Axe Diamond-edged Wood Axe 300 Increases sharpening duration.
Axe Diamond-edged Wood Axe 2 600 Increases sharpening duration.


Tool Name Cost in Crowns Descrption
Pick-axe Sharpen Pick-axe 80 Temporarily increases pick-axe power, thus increasing mining speed.
Pick-axe Pick-axe 2 500 Increases pick-axe power, thus increasing mining speed.
Pick-axe Pick-axe 3 1000 Increases pick-axe power, thus increasing mining speed.
Pick-axe Diamond-edged Pick-axe 300 Increases sharpening duration.
Pick-axe Diamond-edged Pick-axe 2 600 Increases sharpening duration.